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Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 89: Wrap it all up

On our last night at the beach house the hubs and I took the darling children to my mom’s and treated ourselves to a night out. We enjoyed a great dinner and followed with a night of shananinigans and general tomfoolery. My favorite part of the evening occurred when a group of elderly women informed me that they enjoyed watching the hubs dance because he had “natural rhythm.” Something we were both very unaware of. I still I think I stole the show with my singing/ screaming along to Waylon Jennings. We didn’t come home until almost 1:00 am which is unheard of for a couple that is usually in REM asleep by 9:00. I firmly believe that it is a good thing we have children, because anytime we don’t have them we lose our heads and fool act.  A perfect ending to a perfect week.

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