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Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 88: Sit

For the third day in a row we sat on the beach and watched the waves come and go. We watched the sun slide across the sky in record speed. We watched the kids build not only sand castles but memories as well.  We took occasional dips in the abnormally calm and clear gulf and we broke up the monotony with walks further down the beach. We built huge sand mounds with our feet from our beach chairs while we observed sea gulls dive for helpless fish.  We shared pretzels, bottle openers, stories and laughs and when we were done with those things we shared chips, and beer and jokes, and shade. We kept time by the suns position and the weight of the ice chest. Our brown sandy skin gave testament to our day’s employment and the only thing that infringed on our joy was the day’s end.
Empty Seats

Ridiculously Tanned

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