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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 75: Learn 5 New Words

I love words. I love their power. I love to control them , own them use them and sometimes even change them. When I am reading, I really do look up words I am unfamiliar with. Today I found five new words to incorporate. This search began with hearing the word pontificate on Fox news. Here are the words I found and my attempt to use them.
Pontificate He spends too much time pontificating in front of the mirror.
Supercilious: He is always so supercilious; damn fool.
Expunge It’s a constant struggle to expunge ignorance.
Sanguine: I am an outcast at work because of my sanguine disposition.
Perspicacious: I have a perspicacious understanding of Barney.

After looking up these words, I sanguinly (?) pack my suitcase for yet another weekend at the beach. I am certain that my expunging of a bottle of wine will cause me to think I have a perspicacious understanding of life that I will try to pontificate in a very supercilious manner.

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