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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 207: Extreme Couponing

Armed with an envelope full of coupons, I entered the grocery store prepared for monumental victory. I had near me two eager 10 yeard olds to scout out the products and deliver the goods. Our first stop was the baking aisle where we secured a variety of Martha White goods which I vowed to try for the first time. Our excitement could no longer be contained when we realized we were getting blue berry muffin mix for only 50 cents! Imagine the decline of our spirits when we had to pass on  Purina dog chow for  $3 (with our coupon and store clearance) because we just don't have a dog. With a rekindled spirit, we marched to the cracker aisle where we matched our coupons with more than a half dozen cracker brands. I reminded my young assistants that it matters not what we don't normally eat stoned ground peppercorn thins, the only thing that matters is the price. I knew we couldnt have a repeat of the Purina episode.  It was finally time to check out, and see our hard work materialize in a numerical savings. After some time, and the sweet delivery of coupons, I walked out of the grocery store with a savings of $13 and more crackers, muffin mix, and canned biscuits than will ever need.

Day 206: Memorize all of the presidents

As I enter adulthood, I know the importance of keeping my mind active and sharp. Rather than complete a  crossword or Soduku,  I memorized  all of the presidents in a quiz offered on After several attempts and hours, I can proudly say I was able to list all of the presidents (even the more obscure Polk, Harding, Hayes, Fillmore, Garfield, and Chester Arthur) in less than 3 minutes.  With this knowledge I plan to do little more than possibly impress my 5th grader.

Day 205: Finish the scrapbook

I finally completed the scrapbook I have been working on all year. It is 25 pages that cover the year 2010. It includes our annual New Year's at the beach, Mardi Gras, a trip to Disney and Atlanta, the Hangout Festival, family portraits, a recital, football games, school pictures, motorcycle riding, plane riding, pool days, Easter, Halloween, Christmas, our birthdays and other parties like girls night out and my parent's anniversary. Whew! I'm tired from listing this, making the scrapbook, and doing all of that in one year!

Day 204: Paint Pottery

After several hours painting at the pottery store, I can now cross paint pottery off of my list. I am proud of the platter I created; I chose to paint the words "have fun yall." Unfortunately, sometimes people have to be gently reminded of this very simple- yet very important rule. I certainly had plenty of fun while creating this masterpiece.

Day 203: Personality Profile

Every few years I retake the Myers/Briggs personality test. And each time the results are the same.  I am an ESFJ. In short, I am extroverted, sensitive, restless, and somewhat bossy and talkative.  The only change in the results in the last ten years is that I score more strongly in each component of the ESFJ. I was certain my husband would find these results absolutely fascinating. I was most perplexed to see his renewed interest in Law and Order as I read to him from the appendix of the book.  He even declined an offer to take the 70 question profile test himself! Fortunately for him, I was able to discern his personality type without a test.  I simply found the opposite profile of me. Even this, he didn’t find interesting.  However, despite his disdain for psychoanalysis found in a $12 book from Amazon, I love my INTP.

Day 202: Write poetry with students

This week, my creative writing classes are completing a poetry unit. Each day, I read some of my favorite poems to them and then provide them suggestions, “prompts” to get them started. I must admit reading and writing poetry with young people can be a pleasant way to spend the day. I have done this unit for years. The primary difference this year is I have challenged myself to write poems myself. So each time I have given them a “prompt” I provide my own examples.  Poetry is very difficult for me because it mandates such brevity and precision; I have a penchant for the wordy and over developed. Nevertheless, I attempted it and here is a sample:
Watching him design and build
Tiny villages for
Yellow dinosaurs and   firemen with
Red painted d smiles.
I am just a silent onlooker
In his world
Where a deflated Spiderman sleeps quietly
And a green tractor makes idle threats
To a pile of wooden blocks.
I stand silently and unnoticed
Time stands still for us both.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 201: Cupcake Shopping

We treated ourselves to a box of cupcakes from one of the area's cupcake stores. For $13 I got 6 cupcakes! I don't think I will make this a habit even though everyone seemed to appreciate the dessert. Ansley maintains that when she grows up she wants to own a cupcake store. I hope her cupcakes are more affordable.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 200: Slow Down

Because of an unexplained fever, Zach and I were home again today. Fortunately, he showed no signs of illness. Following my own advice to eschew house work, I let Zach dictate the course of the day. So naturally, after a trip to Big Lots, we were the proud owners of a 8 foot penguin. Once we returned home, we unpacked the new addition and brought him to life. This resulted in a series of wild screams and cheers from us both as the pile of plastic took shape and grew taller. We then went to McDonald's for a much deserved lunch. It took us some time to actually go in-  as we had to investigate the motorcycle parked by the door and the nearby newspaper machine. Later, we watched a few episodes of Curios George and played with "Bumpy Bump." This is the Humpty Dumpty toy that comes with the Happy Meal.
On this 200th day of my "project" I was grateful to have some time to be home and slow down. Since school started I seem to have been so "busy." This extra time reminded me not to let work/errands  get in the way of living. We are all responsbile for the pace we set in our lives, and after a day like today, I am making an effort to slow it down. Life is more meaningful when you take time to seek out penguins.

Day 199: Attend Football Banquet

Ansley's cheer/football banquet was held tonight. Here, the players and cheerleaders were awarded for their hard work during the season. Even I can't say much else about these three hours other than it gave me a great opportunity to learn how to use my new camera.

Day 198: Catch up

Today I found myself the unexpected owner of a few extra hours in an empty home. Unable to walk (race) I used these precious hours to compose these entries and catch up on my blog. By the time the kids returned from their outing with San San and Pee PAw, I was ready to face paint. 

Day 197: Run a 5K

I did it! I did it! I did it! Of all the things I set out to do this year, this will certainly be in the top 10 (after milking a cow, riding a horse, and dancing in the sand). I actually completed a 5K run. And surprisingly, I actually ran a lot. My overall time was 37 minutes; my original goal was to complete the race under an hour. During these 37 minutes I learned a few life lessons. I learned to pace myself, I learned with good music anything is possible, and always smile at the finish line even if your last.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 188-196: Nine days

In order to catch up on my posts, I will summarize these nine days. Worked hard, week ended, fried fish for friends. Auburn won. Stayed up too late. Lots of movies on Sunday. Halloween was great. Included all the standards: costumes, happy kids, candy, friends and family and food. I made my Kitty Litter cake that wasn’t ignored, and my parents had unforgettable costumes.   Memories were made. Bought a new camera: Nikon D3100. Now my photography obsession will certainly get out of hand. We all got sick, stayed home with Zach.  Ate lots of take out including Chinese and pizza, but made turkey spaghetti to eat the night before the race.  Had my first official meeting with the club I started and we had our picture made for the yearbook.  Sent flowers to someone I love.  Started watching the original documentary of Gray Gardens, this is most perplexing and odd. Had students write and decorate letters to Santa in order to remember being 7 again. Bought coloring books to help.  Went to bed Friday night nervous, unprepared and doubtful of the Saturday morning plans before me.

Day 187: Go to the Fair

Today I took four excited kids and mom to the Greater Gulf State Fair. From the top of the Ferris wheel we could see the fair spilling out beneath us. There was a rodeo, livestock, rides for all ages, and countless food booths. One booth advertised fried kool aid?? The girls enjoyed the rides that basically shook their bodies until they were dizzy; there were  several rides like this. They played games offered by the proverbial wayward carnie. And of course, we didn’t leave without our traditional bear claw beneath a mountain of powdered sugar. In the last month I have visited the circus, zoo, and fair.

Day 186: Ansley's last Cheer Game of the year

Tonight was Ansley’s last football game to cheer at until next year. I watch her on the field, so graceful, so happy, and still so self assured.  Between cheers she giggles with other cheerleaders, and readjust her pony tail. She is so perfect to me in every way. I have yet to see so much as a play of the football game because I can’t take my eyes off of her. Next year, when football and cheer returns, I naively hope she hasn’t changed.

Day 185: Letters to Veterans

I had student write letters to veterans. We will mail these letters to VA homes in Florida, Tennessee, California, Alabama, and Mississippi. By having each student write 2 letters, I now have over 100 letters to send. I hope the letters find their way and possibly make some type of small difference.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 184: Seashells on Sunday

JP and I took a very long walk on the beach. The weather was perfect, the gulf was calm the water was clear. Our only companions were the bewildered seagulls and one cranky Heron.  At the end of our walk I had a bag of sea shells and a refreshed spirit.

Day 183: Stop to watch the sunset

 I was lucky enough to witness a beautiful sun set this evening. The sky was painted in several shades of orange and just a few hours earlier it was a clear solid blue. These words nor the photos attached will not come close to capturing the scene I was able to behold.  Once again, reaffirming the lesson I learned earlier from Zach this week that the world is so full of wonder if we just take the time to observe.
The sky just a few hours before sunset

Day 182: Weekend at the beach

JP and I dropped off the kids and my parents and then went to the beach house for a much needed weekend getaway. Actually, I don't think there is such thing as unneeded weekend getaway. Nevertheless, we were more than eager to cross the Holmes bridge this Friday afternoon. After dropping off the kids, first stop: Tacky Jacks.

Day 181: Attend a play

Today I went with Chrissie and 40 excited teenagers on a field trip to Montgomery’s Shakespeare Festival to see a live performance of Dracula. The play was very well done.  Seeing a live performance is no comparison to a movie. I liked the special effects like the graveyard fog and loud startling shot.  It seemed all the students were equally impressed with the play. I am learning through these 365 days there really is more to do in our area than many realize.

Day 180: Celebrate a birthday

Before JP got home from work, the girls made cupcakes. Zach spent his time licking the bowls. Little JP decorated the table with streamers and plates. I busied myself making his favorite dinner.  The birthday dinner was a great way to celebrate a great man. Happy Birthday JP!

Day 179: Go on a long walk with Zach

We covered a short distance in a very long time. There were frequent stops to pick up rocks. I watched him stare in amazement at the shadows that were beginning to line the street. He liked when our shadow hands held hands, and so did I.  He has trouble understanding why there is a plastic fork in the road. He decided to put it in his pocket to take home. On this outing it is Zach that teaches me a few important lessons. He teaches me that the world is so full of wonder if you just pay attention. I learn that the most valuable treasures aren’t always in a store. Zach proves to me that sometimes we should stop along the way and observe what we see. And most importantly, I learn there is nothing more important that spending time with people you love.

Day 178: Run outside before the sun rises

Today I got up early and took a run around the neighborhood. It was still dark making the street seem more ominous, but the sky was extraordinary. It was difficult to run while looking up. Ii returned home to a family that thought I had lost my mind.  Neither of them have ever seen me get up early on a weekday to do anything, much less run.

Day 177: Take a Detour

On our return trip we stopped in Auburn, so I could show Ansley the university. We were able to see Toomers Corner in full post game regalia; completely toilet papered. We stopped at the bookstore and bought Jp’s birthday present: an Auburn golf bag.  Although we were ready to return home, it's nice sometimes to take the long way home.

Day 176: Build a bon fire

On our last night we enjoyed an evening around a bon fire.  I can think of nothing better than sitting around a fire with my best friends and our kids. Needless to say, we spent most of the time laughing. Zach treated everyone to roasted marshmallows flavored with dirt while Andy grilled burgers. I love visiting the Irvins at their beautiful home in Woodstock, Georgia.  I hope one day to visit them in their home in Mobile.

Day 175: Go to the zoo

We had a nice day at Atlanta’s zoo. The gorillas were the most entertaining. Zach liked the snakes which I thought were awful. Kristen liked petting the lambs and Ansley’s favorite were the elephants. The only bad part of the day was my camera broke, so I didnt get to take my normal 345 pictures.
This photo made me laugh until it hurt.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 174: Another Speeding Ticket

Getting another speeding ticket sucks.

Day 173: Accept it

I love a neat house. Most of my spare time is spent doing house work. When my home is clean and tidy, I just feel better; I gain a sense of harmony. However, these feelings of satisfaction and peace are rare.  Most of the time my home is a wreck. Piles of laundry are the primary décor of my bedroom. The countertops are normally covered with 2 liters, dishes, homework, and cracker boxes. And there is no part of my home that is not cluttered with toys. As I write this, there is a line of toy trucks stretching from the living room to the kitchen. Today I accept defeat in the battle to maintain a tidy home. I accept that laundry, toys, dishes, candy wrappers and shoes cannot be contained. And furthermore, these instruments of disorder are actually indicators of a happy home filled with playful well fed children who clearly have lots of, towels, and shoes. The mess in my house reveals there is a pulse inside these walls. There is life and energy and most of all love.  Southern Living will probably never showcase a home decorated in the theme of what I will now call “real Life.” In this design theme toothpaste in the sink and overflowing garbage cans capture the essence of the home. And of course, crayon marks on the wall add to the decor. Today I officially give up and accept my home will never be organized, tidy, clean, and clutter free. At least I hope not anyway.  Besides don’t only “dull women have immaculate homes”?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 172: Write a letter to myself in ten years

This is actually an assignment I had my creative writing students complete. It is interesting to read their letters as they cannot imagine being 28 much less 38. They can’t imagine a life where their parents are no longer the primary force and they alone are completely responsible for their lives. At their age, adulthood and independence is a foreign concept. As it should be!

To encourage them, I joined them in the assignment:

Hello Shana!
You are now looking at 50. Shit.
Hopefully you established some good habits that have allowed you to continue to look and feel amazing. Hopefully you are still full of zest, enthusiasm, curiosity, and energy.
Hopefully you are enjoying your retirement.  After 25 years in the public school system, you certainly have earned an early retirement.
Ansley is now 19. And undoubtedly she continues to make you proud. She is in college hopefully in Alabama. Allow her to grow and be and do and don’t hold her back. She is going to scare you wit her ambitions and dreams but she knows exactly what she wants. Let her fly.
Zach is soon to be 13. Hold him tight because he too is about to take off. I imagine he is smart, handsome, and well mannered and funny. I bet he is very creative.
Hopefully you and JP are travelling and doing all the things you set out to do.
You are fantastic and have been for almost a half a century!
Keep up the good work for the next 50 marvelous years!
Your very best friend

Day 171: Drug Free

Today the doctor told me the procedure I under went over the summer to shut the baby maker down worked.  So today I was able to throw the Loestrins away! I am so ecstatic that it worked. Now, other than an occasional Tylenol, I am completely drug free.

Day 170: Read a novel with Ansley

I completed Hunger Games today. Ansley is reading the same book. She has not yet acquired the love of reading that I possess. I hope she will one day discover that books  are better than television or movies. She is interested in this book. Many of her friends are reading it as well. She is anxious to know what happens so I am hoping she will finish it soon so we can talk about it.

Day 169: Try authentic Asian cuisine

My dear friend, Cassandra and I took our girls to enjoy authentic Asian cuisine. We ordered a variety of things using suggestions from our patient waitress.  We had a table covered with dishes that we shared with each other. I had never had curry and decided that I will try this interesting flavor again. Our favorite was the Vietnamese noodle soup and curry pad Thai.  The girls did not know what to think of their bubble tea. It was a pleasant afternoon trying some new foods and laughing at our own sense of adventure.

Day 168: Go to the Circus

“Keep the circus going inside you, keep it going, don't take anything too seriously, it'll all work out in the end.”
I love the circus. I love the freakish semi dirty nomadic carnies that bring this spectacular show to me. I love watching the Mexicans balance trays of popcorn and coke on their heads as they waltz through the stands announcing the prices. I love the pink and purple died poodles that dance on their hind legs. I love the half drugged and seemingly depressed wild animals, especially the white tigers that seem humiliated.  I love the vagabond clowns that taunt the audience with their flawless Chaplin inspired routines. I love the commanders of the trapeze that glide through the air seductively and effortlessly.  I love the motorcycles that roar magically through the iron cage and I love that little wiry man who has made it his life’s career to end the show by being thrust out of a cannon into a net . But my favorite part of the circus, is seeing my kids sit spell bound at  what is truly the “greatest show on earth.”

Day 167: Get my hair done

I took some time today to have my hair highlighted and fixed. Two hours later, I sured did look better. So naturally, a date night followed where I allowed the hubs to marvel at my beauty while I ate nachos.

Day 166: Take students to an elementary school to read to children

I took a small group of high school students to the local elementary school to read the books they wrote themselves to first graders. I anticipated the 6 year olds to be excited, but I was more surprised about how excited the teenagers were. They were all very nervous at first but soon enough found the tiny audience less threatening. It was rewarding to watch my students share and help younger people. 

Day 165: Hang a wind chime

Today I hung a wind chime. This instrument of peace and serenity creates a sound so soothing to my soul. It makes the wind less transparent. I hang this wind chime to remind myself to be constantly aware of the beauty in the world I can not always see. It reminds to be be open to all of the worlds possibilities and endless mysteries. The music the wind makes should never be ignored.

Day 164: Skip Class

Today, Ansley and I left school early and enjoyed a little time to ourselves. We had lunch and then did a little shopping. I hope I have taught her that its okay to call time out every now and then. Everyone needs time off the hampster wheel to recharge and regroup and shop!

Day 163: Decorate for Halloween

Zach was most excited to see the plastic pumpkins, scarecrows, and blow up ghosts pulled out of the attic to adorn the yard. With his help we got the pumpkin flag flying and everything plugged up. We found a Dracula costume that he immediately put on (clueless as to what/who Dracula even is) and tackled the pumpkins on the porch.

Day 162: Go to a book signing

“Down in Mobile, they’re all crazy, because the Gulf Coast is the kingdom of monkeys, the land of clowns, ghosts and musicians, and Mobile is sweet lunacy’s county seat.”
- Eugene Walter, The Untidy Pilgrim (1953)

Naturally, the adventure began at a midtown package store, where you could by cold beer by the can or keg.  Nina lectured me on the high points and the low points of the century old community she now calls her home. Behind the woods adjacent to her home, are the remains of a 200 year old plantation home that once housed the neighbors to Augusta Wilson. The home was most likely built by some less than eager French immigrants that left the home and the city for a life not defined by heat, mosquitoes, and pecans. Our appointment with the procurers of the posthumously published cook book was drawing near, so we headed downtown. Sitting gin a sea of bow ties and over sized hats, we listened as the publishers of the book celebrate the life of their friend and muse, Eugene Walter.
We were entertained with stories of Mobile’s original Renaissance man which included his feeding cat food to guests and stopping roadside on the interstate to toast the half way point to Montgomery. Eugene Walters cook book certainly promises not only a good read and outlook on southern cooking, but delivers some interesting recipes as well. Afterwards, of course, with our cold beers in hand we visited his grave and gave a toast. While we were there, it only seemed fitting to have yet another toast to Joe Cain himself. The reader will be reminded that Church Street Cemetery was closed in the 1890’s but the city allowed for one last burial: Eugene Walter who was strategically placed by the resurrecter of Mobile’s Mardi Gras. Nevertheless, after toasting and paying homage to two of Mobile’s legends, two half drunk women returned to a porch in midtown and gave one final toast. This time to one another’s company.

"When all else fails, throw a party."

Information about Eugene Walter:
Jonathan Yardley's piece from The Washington Post, August 19, 2001 - The Life of the Party

Moments with Eugene: A Collection of Memories -   "In Memoriam" Piece by Joseph Sackett  

Of Moonpies and Monkeys by Sharman Egan's "Of Moonpies and Monkeys"
Southern Living - June, 1998  -  "An Afternoon with Eugene Walter" by Denise Gee
Piece by Thomas Upchurch, Capitol Book and News Company - - includes two audio clips:  Eugene Walter's presentation "The Front Porch" and Eugene Walter's presentation "Cholesterol."
"Front Porches" by Eugene Walter 
Charles McNair's piece from Paste - "The Booky Man: Eugene Walter, A Man You Don't Meet Every Day."

Day 161: Attend a Baker football game

A real monumental occasion it was when I attended a Baker High School football game. After several years of working here, I finally sacrificed a very precious Friday night to return to the campus and watch the game.  And in five more years, I might possibly do it again!

Day 160: Leave the gym temporarily

Today I visited the gym and said my goodbyes for at least a month. Time work and weather has interfered with this part of my day. I completed a final walk and vowed to return again, but not as long as the fall weather beckoned me.  

Day 159: Rosh Hashanah

I recognized Rosh Hashanah today by treating myself to three hours of TV in bed and neglecting phone calls, kids, chores, and work. It was fabulous. I love Rosh Hashanah, and not just because it has my name embedded in it.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 158: Create a list of my favorite things (Ridiculously too long)

A clean house
A good book
 A goodnight’s sleep
A newly clean car
Acoustic Guitar
Ansley’s freckles, hair, eyes, and spirit
 Arriving and leaving
Artwork from my kids,
  Auburn game days
 Awards, good grades, recognition, compliments, and bragging
Awareness, observations, insight, and knowing
Being in the newspaper
Being inspired,
Being moved to tears
 Bellingrath gardens,
 Blue skies,
Boat rides,
 Bon fires,
Chips and dips
Christmas lights,
Classic rock,
Clean sheets,
 Coffee in bed,
 Cold beer,
Commencement speakers
Completed projects,
 Connecting, bonding, and sharing
Cooking together
 Date nights,
 Decorative crosses
Diet Coke and sweet tea
Disney World
Down time,
 Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, and Oprah.
Dressing up,
DVD’s with JP,
Easter lilies,
Eating out, delivery, or drive thrus,
 Elegantly wrapped gifts
 Empty laundry baskets,
 Extra money,
 Extra time,
Feeing beautiful,
Feeling proud

Fire places
 Flannery O’Conner,
Flash lights
Flirting with my husband
Flower gardens
Fresh baked cookies,
 Fresh bread,
Fresh cut flowers,
Fried chicken, squash, okra, and pickles
 Front porches,
 Gardening in the spring
Getting my hair done,
Giving generously
 Going to church,
 Good news,
 Greeting cards,
Grilling out
 Having a tan,
Hearing my kids laugh,
Hearing the sound of the waves from bed,
Hobby Lobby
Holding my children
Hot baths,
 Hotel rooms,
Ice chests, beach towels, and lawn chairs
 Inspirational and funny emails,
Inspirational quotes
 Jokes, joking, and making fun
 June 1, July 4, and April 24
 Kettle Korn,
Key chains
Knowing I did a good job
Laughing until it hurts,
Learning and getting it, awareness, and understanding
Letting go
 Lightning bugs,
Listening to Zach tell a story,
 Long days on the beach or by our pool
 Making wishes in fountains,
Mardi Gras
 Meeting new people,
Monkeys, tigers, and horses
 Mountain views,
 Movies at the theater,
My backyard,
My books,
 My cell phone,
My desk
My family
My IPod and laptop,
  My photo albums,
New clothes,
 New pens,
New pillows,
New playlists
New tennis shoes
 New Years Eve,
 Nostalgic, and vintage, retro and old school
Oak trees,
 Off days,
 Old cameras,
 Old denim
Old photographs,
Open windows,
Our Christmas tree,
Our home
Our home
 Packing for a trip,
 Picking blueberries,
Picture frames,
Pies:  Lemon, peanut butter, chocolate, turtle, strawberry, and Key Lime
 Plaid, argyle, and stripes
 Planning, organizing, and listing
Playing Uno
Poetry that leaves an impression
Power outages  
Pushing buttons
 Rafts to float on
Really sharp pencils
Remembering, memories, and looking back
Remote control cars
Retro, vintage, and nostalgia
Riding my bicycle in the neighborhood
Rocking chairs
Roller skating
 Room fresheners,
 Room service,
Sand, seashells, seagulls, and suntan oil
Saturday mornings,
 Scented candles,
School supplies,
Seafood: boiled, fried, sautéed, grilled, or baked
Singing in the car
Smell of leather,
Songs that I can relate to
Sound of crickets at night,
Spring mornings
St Augustine grass,
Statistics and facts, the truth, the absolute
Taking pictures,
Telling the story of how we met
Tervis tumblers
 Text messaging, email, Facebook, and phone calls
 Thanksgiving dinner,
The beach at night
The Cathedral,
The colors green, blue, red, pink, white, and black
The Fair
The Gulf of Mexico any time of the year
The Holy Bible,
The library,
The outrageous, eccentric, eclectic, clever, and the genuine
 The smell of lavender, Gardenia, vanilla, and cinnamon
The South,
The zoo
Time together
Time with my friends,
 Trying new things,
 Watching Ansley dance,
Watching my kids sleep,
Watching the moon
Water parks,
Water skiing,
 Wearing my bathing suit,
Weather days,
Winter nights
Writing list, poems, blogs, stories, notes, letters, or plans
XM Radio
 Yard sales with my favorite women
 Zach’s hands, laugh, sense of humor, and smile