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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 203: Personality Profile

Every few years I retake the Myers/Briggs personality test. And each time the results are the same.  I am an ESFJ. In short, I am extroverted, sensitive, restless, and somewhat bossy and talkative.  The only change in the results in the last ten years is that I score more strongly in each component of the ESFJ. I was certain my husband would find these results absolutely fascinating. I was most perplexed to see his renewed interest in Law and Order as I read to him from the appendix of the book.  He even declined an offer to take the 70 question profile test himself! Fortunately for him, I was able to discern his personality type without a test.  I simply found the opposite profile of me. Even this, he didn’t find interesting.  However, despite his disdain for psychoanalysis found in a $12 book from Amazon, I love my INTP.

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