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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 173: Accept it

I love a neat house. Most of my spare time is spent doing house work. When my home is clean and tidy, I just feel better; I gain a sense of harmony. However, these feelings of satisfaction and peace are rare.  Most of the time my home is a wreck. Piles of laundry are the primary décor of my bedroom. The countertops are normally covered with 2 liters, dishes, homework, and cracker boxes. And there is no part of my home that is not cluttered with toys. As I write this, there is a line of toy trucks stretching from the living room to the kitchen. Today I accept defeat in the battle to maintain a tidy home. I accept that laundry, toys, dishes, candy wrappers and shoes cannot be contained. And furthermore, these instruments of disorder are actually indicators of a happy home filled with playful well fed children who clearly have lots of, towels, and shoes. The mess in my house reveals there is a pulse inside these walls. There is life and energy and most of all love.  Southern Living will probably never showcase a home decorated in the theme of what I will now call “real Life.” In this design theme toothpaste in the sink and overflowing garbage cans capture the essence of the home. And of course, crayon marks on the wall add to the decor. Today I officially give up and accept my home will never be organized, tidy, clean, and clutter free. At least I hope not anyway.  Besides don’t only “dull women have immaculate homes”?

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