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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 172: Write a letter to myself in ten years

This is actually an assignment I had my creative writing students complete. It is interesting to read their letters as they cannot imagine being 28 much less 38. They can’t imagine a life where their parents are no longer the primary force and they alone are completely responsible for their lives. At their age, adulthood and independence is a foreign concept. As it should be!

To encourage them, I joined them in the assignment:

Hello Shana!
You are now looking at 50. Shit.
Hopefully you established some good habits that have allowed you to continue to look and feel amazing. Hopefully you are still full of zest, enthusiasm, curiosity, and energy.
Hopefully you are enjoying your retirement.  After 25 years in the public school system, you certainly have earned an early retirement.
Ansley is now 19. And undoubtedly she continues to make you proud. She is in college hopefully in Alabama. Allow her to grow and be and do and don’t hold her back. She is going to scare you wit her ambitions and dreams but she knows exactly what she wants. Let her fly.
Zach is soon to be 13. Hold him tight because he too is about to take off. I imagine he is smart, handsome, and well mannered and funny. I bet he is very creative.
Hopefully you and JP are travelling and doing all the things you set out to do.
You are fantastic and have been for almost a half a century!
Keep up the good work for the next 50 marvelous years!
Your very best friend

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