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Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 32: GTL

GTL stands for Gym, Tan, & Laundry.

It was made popular by the cast of Jersey Shore on MTV.
The process of staying fresh and mint. Stands for "Gym, tan, laundry." Must be done everyday to achieve maximum potential. Side effects include fist pumping. Coined by the eloquent Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino from MTV's ground breaking Jersey Shore.
You gotta GTL everyday to make sure you're looking your best bro. If your shirt looks bad it makes the whole product look bad.
Today I went to the gym followed by the tanning bed (ridiculous I know). However, my laundry means I washed and folded no less than 8 loads of  clothes. After putting all the clothes away, there were some fist pumps. I dont think I will be hooking up in any hot tubs though. Unless its with the hubs!

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