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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 20: Help someone

I was asked if I could work on Saturday to help a student complete some final assignments so she could graduate on Monday. She had spent most of the last year in the hospital with lupus, RA and fluid on her heart. After working with her most of Friday afternoon, I met her back at the school early Saturday morning. We worked several hours and finally she completed the requirements necessary for English 12 credit. It was awesome to be able to tell her that she was officially finished with high school and would be able to graduate on Monday. I had never met this young lady before Friday and never thought working on a Saturday could be so rewarding.


  1. Wow, I wish all of the kids who complain about going to school could meet her!

  2. Its such a great feeling to help others. I'm sure she SOOOO appreciated it and will remember that for some time. We should all take the time to stop thinking of ourselves and help others more often.
