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Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 31: Write an Ode to Summer

To share my true feelings on just how much I LOVE these 2 1/2 months I thought a poem was most appropriate.

Ode To Summer
After a long agonizing separation
During which I longed
and yearned for you
And in those bleak cold hours
You were no where
No signs, no calls,
But a pile of photos and
shadowed memories.
And suddenly
you slam back into my life.
Bearing your gifts
of warmth, comfort, and
unbridled joy.
I am complete once more.
For only with you
does my life make sense.
With you, there is meaning
logic, purpose, direction, peace
and serenity.
I am at your mercy
I will cherish each second we are together
I will embrace you and love you like  no other
Of course, like always,
you will leave me
and an endless procession of days
will try to make me forget you
But for now
you are all mine
I give you myself completely
without reservation
indulge me like only you can do
Our adventure awaits!

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