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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 132: Attend a high school football game

Friday night lights at West Side park in a torrential down pour! St Luke's Wildcats didn't actually win but they sure gave 100% to McIntosh. Personally, I think the opposing team substituted grown men for the teenage counterparts, because these were some abnormally large boys.
The best part of high school football is the raw unbridled passion the boys have for the game, win or lose. This is the game in its purest form: apart from offers, contracts, deals, scholarships, and subversive handshakes.   This is where the fathers let their boys loose on the field not knowing if all those days tossing the ball in the yard paid off. They stand nervously on the side lines, gripping the fence, watching and wondering where did the time go. It is the game in its roughest, purest, sweetest form.

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