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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day113: Begin my 15th year of teaching school

My first day of teaching school I was 23 years old, and I was more than terrified. I had stayed up most of the night before agonizing over my career decision. I thought wearing  french braided hair and a navy  blue business suit (with matching pumps) would somehow command respect from teenagers not too much younger than me. I spent that first year working tirelessly on lesson plans and grading. I would call parents weekly and stay after school to tutor. I wouldn't dare consider so much as a movie on a school night and all of my long dresses came form the clearance rack in the petite section at McRaes. My first paycheck was less than $1200 in the fall of 1995 and I  wasn't quite sure how I would ever spend all that money. There was no computer, LCD projector, Smart board in my classroom. However,  I was overjoyed to secure a 1987 set of encyclopedias for my bookshelf. I had five classes of regular English 9, and the smallest class was 31 students. It was a very hard year, but I returned and now today I started my 15th year as a high school teacher. (I took a year off for Ansley). Life and lessons sure have changed me and my approach to this day. Of course, I am sad to see the summer end but I walk into my room knowing I'm in the right place. Not since that first day have I ever doubted my choice to teach school. Although it is stressful and demanding, it is truly my calling. I am forever entertained, inspired, and challenged.  I know now no matter what wear comfortable shoes, relax, and jump in!

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