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Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 91-99 Get Ready for School

I took a week off from blogging  to  prepare for the end  of summer. I am determined to face this new school year without the usual crying, anger, fury, depression and disdain that I normally do. Saying goodbye to summer is so painful; it is a difficult time for my entire family. They have trouble with my incessant sobbing and whining. However, this year, I am committed to starting school with a positive attitude. I don't want yet another night before school starts to be  spent in fetal position with screams of  "no, no, no." I have to set a better example for my children. Therefore,  my plan  has been  to make myself completely bored in these last few days. This way, I might even be anxious for school to begin. So in the last week I have done nothing fun, exciting, interesting, or productive. I have gone so far as to watch episodes of Jersey Shore, clean out my closet, take Zach to an allergy doctor, buy children's shoes, even stare at this computer screen for an unnecessary amount of time. After a week of this mindless activity, I am still not ready for summer to end. I do know that a rainy day stuck inside organizing Tupperware bowls and counting spoons, is still better than the very best day a school year can offer me.

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