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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 50: Make Healthy Choices (For ONE WHOLE DAY)

This was perhaps the most challenging task so far. After a month of over indulging and gluttony, my body suggested to me that I should consider some healthier alternatives to beer, wine,  cigarettes, fast food, and cookies. It occurred to me that maybe floating in the pool or dancing in the garage may not necessarily be  a legitimate form of exercise. My newest morning regiment of coffee, diet coke, and three hours of the Today show might need to be replaced with something a little more... rigorous.  So before, I get to used to dinners of Rotel dip and Heineken, I thought it best that I return to more reasonable habits. I don't typically make such poor decisions, but summer does have its dark side. The endless days by the pool or in the mountains do have their downside: added weight. So I am focusing this week on reclaiming my healthy habits. I returned to the gym, had a Smooothie and a  multi vitamin  for lunch,  and dinner included salmon, BROWN Rice (oh the horror), and fresh beans. I drank water throughout the day and denied myself the pleasure of a plate full of cut and bake cookies (unheard of).  By the end of the week, the beer will be much more deserved and appreciated.

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