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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 152: Attend the homecoming of the Honor Flight

When Ansley asked why are we doing this, I told her that in ten years this would be impossible. They are both too young to understand just how important these men and woman are. To Zach, a hero wears a cape and a mask and flies. He doesn't yet understand that these feeble, old, wheel chair bound elders are real life heroes. We stood on the sidelines and applauded all 82 veterans as they left the Mobile airport after a day spend visiting the memorial in Washington DC. They wore tshirts that said "If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you can read this in English, thank a veteran." It was truly a moving experience for anyone present. One aged veteran whose wheel chair was adorned with American flags, weeped softly as he took in the crowd around him. Another broke ranks to approach Zach, and tell  him thank you.  Ansley marveled that some of the veterans included a woman who was a nurse overseas during the war. I was glad we gave up a few hours of our time to let these veterans know that they are truly "the greatest generation."

He was crying.

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