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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day Two: Visit the Library

I wasn't really sure which task I would complete today although I was quite sure I wouldn't be riding in a hot air balloon or attending a play. After spending the morning doing some perfunctory chores that included grading papers and folding towels, I left the house uncertain of what the day would bring. Walking through the parking lot at Wal Mart I was keenly aware of those around me and what they were doing.  Does anyone need my help? Is there a stranger I can hug? Is there a need  present? Maybe I can just smile at everyone. Walking into the store, I was distracted by the Easter Lillies. Should I purchase these flowers? Should I deliver them to the nursing home? What about this magazine on rural living. Or maybe I should by  crayons and go home to color. My simple trip to return some curtains at Wal Mart had turned into a daunting quest for fulfillment and enlightenment. How's this going to work I wondered. At my next stop I purchased some practical, reasonable, comfortable, and most benign shoes I have ever bought. Certainly I can use this tool for my journey ahead. Nevertheless, I next found myself in the library and knew  my day was complete. I collected a variety of books to assist me in the next few weeks. Several of which were had the words "for Dummies" in the title. However, if time allows I will soon be an expert on vegan Asian cooking, technical math, blogging, and Caribbean jerk chicken. And as an added bonus I picked up a brochure for a historical fiction book club that meets monthly. I see early on that I have to let the day unfold and open myself up to its unique experiences. Rather than have the list dictate my day, my day will dictate the list. And all I have to do is be very open to it all.


  1. The mind is like a parachute, it has to be open to work.

    It seemed apropriate. Saw that on a bumber sticker in the whole foods parking lot today after buying flax seed for my protein veggie smoothies, box chow (some kind of asian stalky like green vegetable) and magnesium oil (for baths and skin). My mind is very open right now.
